Tuesday, January 1, 2013

One Word for 2013

Inspired by the folks at http://oneword365.com/, last year I chose the word, faithful. It signified to me God's faithfulness in every area of my life, and encouraged me to faithfully carry out His call on my life. I witnessed God's faithfulness again and again, in part because I was watching for it - aware of it.

Everywhere we go these days we are confronted with words. Television, books, newspapers, blogs, Twitter - words are coming at us in overwhelming number. In a sea of so many words, having one word to hang onto is like an anchor. What a relief it is to just remember one thing, one word.

My word for 2013 is Courageous.

Back in April of last year, at our church women's retreat, our speaker took us through an exercise to discover the six words that described our core values. My number one word was courage. I don't consider myself to be a courageous person. Not at all. But at the time, I was embarking on a courageous step - the step to move out of my comfort zone and into a whole new phase of life. Really, it was the culmination of a lot of courageous steps - small ones, baby steps - that led to this leap. Now I find myself a few months into this new adventure and needing to remind myself that it takes courage (really - faith) to follow where God is leading. I cannot see much past the present moment. I need courage to walk through the next door open to me, wherever and whatever that is. I need courage to write and submit papers. I need courage to get involved in a new church and a new community. I need courage to explore possibilities for my future that are still fuzzy and not completely revealed. I need courage to simply be, to rest and not be anxious about the future. I need to be courageous.

My verse for this year is Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

1 comment:

Arranged By God said...

It will be awesome to see you at the end of the year, and how you walked through the trials and temptations with this word on your banner. God bless you! ! Shannon from Arranged By God- the link after yours in the link up.