Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Last Days of Summer

Our big move is complete and we are living in a lovely little house which sits on the edge of a slough. Now I know that sounds icky - but it's really beautiful. Maybe it has another name, but I don't know it yet. It is home to all kinds of birds, grasses and water foliage. The sun comes up each morning and slanted westerly through the mist rising above it- takes on an other-worldly quality that I love. The other redeeming quality of the slough is that there are no backyard neighbors - just water, grass and trees.

The neighborhood is quiet - really much quieter than the Orion Place house from which we could always hear freeway noise and trains. I'm filling my days with reading for class, getting the house set up and letting the dust settle in my soul after a summer of hard work.

I always love these Indian Summer days - warm sunny days, cool clear nights, earth tilting, sun slanting, grasses rustling, leaves turning - fall coming. I love, love, love summer, but fall has to be my second favorite. There is something calming and restful about it that feeds my spirit and gives me peace. Add to the mix the fact that I am not working outside the home for the first time in 22 years and you have a recipe for rest. I know its not forever, so I'm relishing every minute.

I will cherish these restful days, where I can sit in the shade of my back patio and watch the humming birds in the fushia bushes and the ducks landing in the slough. Where I can read and study and write and think.

Thank you Jesus for these quiet, filtered-sunlit-days. I'm resting in You.

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