Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Successful Saturday

Finally a Saturday at home all day. What am I talking about? Finally a DAY at home all day with no where to go and no people to meet and no expectations except my own.
I drank coffee. I chatted with my son. I cleaned toilets. I checked Facebook and email. I attacked those darn, dead crocus leaves. (Why, oh why do we have so many? Oh - that's right - because I love them in March) I got one bed cleaned out and looked at the other, but listened to my aching back and went in the house. I drank about a quart of water. I checked email and Facebook. I threw in a load of laundry. I drank some more coffee. I ate an apple. I cooked the meat for spaghetti. I checked Facebook - again. I read the newspaper and turned the pages on my new Country Living magazine. (Does anyone actually read those?) I sat down and finally (after nearly 6 weeks) downloaded the rest of the books for the class I am supposed to finish in a mere 6 weeks. Only 800 pages left to read; a one page synopsis for each book (8 or 9 of them) an 8 page overview of the writer's conference I attended at the end of March, 3 query letters and 3, 2000 word articles to write. Yes. I can do this. I read one short book and about a 3rd of another. And now I feel inspired to write. What am I writing? This poorly written piece of nonsense that no one will ever read that's what. But I'm writing again and I think that's what matters.

My back and shoulders are killing me, but I'm going to write a paragraph on one of those assignments. Then I'm going to sit in the hot tub with my husband and get into bed all warm and relaxed and have a good night's sleep.

That's what I call a successful Saturday.

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